Thursday, September 20, 2007

Flying Spaghetti Monster

Yesterday was International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and I'm sure everyone celebrated. But just on the off chance that you missed it, I give you the only religion to celebrate the holiday - the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It was founded by Oregonians, so you present and past Oregonians can feel proud about that. Their eight not-quite-commandments are pretty good guidelines to live by. And if you scroll down to the bottom of the main page about the church, you can see a picture of the FSM billboard in Baltimore. I feel that the Baltimore Synod is composed entirely of Hopkins grad students.


Nell said...

Yay for Oregonians!!! I'm sold on the pirate causation for global warming. It makes perfect sense!

Squishy Burrito said...

Aargh....I can't believe I missed it.