Saturday, May 26, 2007

Some people lead such deprived lives

I know that I'm a sci-fi geek. And that I was raised by sci-fi geeks. (I think my dad was the person who single handedly kept Enterprise on the air) But I didn't realize there could be people who actually hadn't seen Star Wars. How is that even possible? But it does make for some entertaining reading.

Losing my Star Wars virginity


Squishy Burrito said...

For the record -

I hadn't seen any Star Wars till they were rereleased in theatre a few years back and then I only saw the one where the guy lost his arm in a sword fight (I mean light saber/saver? fight)

I did watch Phantom Menace in the theatres with the thought that I might just watch the series in order but alas I left the world of entertainment when 2 and 3 came out.

I have since had 2 and 3 in my house but fell asleep in both of them.

Please don't flog me.

Ann said...

You're not missing anything not having seen episodes 1-3. They sucked and I deny their existence. They're not really Star Wars.

Matt said...

Plus the two de-arming ones are really the best. Either the de-arming of Greedo in Star Wars (itself a reference to Toshiro Mifune de-arming somebody in Yojimbo) or the de-handing of Luke at the end of Empire Strikes Back.

When it comes to Star Wars films, frequently limb loss=quality.

Amanda G. said...

I haven't seen the last 2 (newest) movies (I guess, the second and third in the series). I sawe Episode 1 and found JarJar so annoying!