Monday, August 27, 2007

Vatican Air

The Vatican has started a new charter service to take Catholic pilgrims to various shrines. I'm sure they have a very thorough screening process to ensure that the people getting on the flights are actually Catholic and are intending to go on an actual pilgrimage, not just a cheap flight for their vacation. And it seems like the stewardesses chould be nuns, which is quite the image. Here's the follow up article with more about it.


Nell said...

Sweet!! I'm going on a pilgrimage and you sucka's arn't allowed!!

Amanda G. said...

I'm allowed. Where should we go, nell?

Nell said...

Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama...

Scarlet Panda said...

I've been looking for a reason not to just become an Episcopalian--here it is!